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domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Humor y nuestra visión del mundo

Mood Literally Affects How We See World

El humor afecta literalmente la forma en que vemos el mundo.
Efectivamente hay estudios recientes que muestran que las personas que estan de buen huunor no es que vean todo color rosa pero si ven y buscan mejor la información que aquellas que estan de mal humor que ven en forma mas parecida a la de un tunel. En un estudio de 16 personas de edad promedio 22 años se les mostrabron imagenes especialmente diseñadas para afectar su humor ya sea para bienneutral y mal. Se le mostraban caras con fondos de casas y asi se dieron cuenta que las personas que estaban de mal hunor solo identificaban la cara y aquellas con buen humor ademas de la cara tambien se preocupaban del resto de los detalles.“Good moods enhance the literal size of the window through which we see the world,”
El buen humor destaca el tamaño literal de la ventana con que vemos el mundo.
Conclusiones propias , cuando no ando enojada con el mundo y estoy de buen humor obviamente siento hasta mas agradable todo lo que me rodea, puedo estar bajo una tormenta y asi y todole busco el lado positivo.
Lastima que cuando los bipolares caemos en depresion, el negativismo y todo se nos agranda excepto la ventanita con la que en ese momento estamos viendo a nuestro alrededor.

Research Suggests That People in a Good Mood Take in More Information When They Look at Something

Although people in a good mood may not see things tinted with pink, they do take in more information when they look at something. Meanwhile, people in a bad mood are more likely to see with tunnel vision. The research has been published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Researchers at the University of Toronto conducted the study, which included 16 participants with a mean age of 22. All participants had normal vision.

Participants were shown images designed to affect their mood in a good, neutral, or bad way. Then they were shown images, each with a face in the middle and surrounded by a place, such as a house. Participants were asked to identify the gender of the face. When in a bad mood, participants only took in information about the face. When in a good mood, participants also took in information about the surroundings.

Researchers were able to track this through functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, technology of the brain.

Being in a good mood -- and taking in more information -- can be a positive or negative thing, depending on the circumstances, researchers said.

“Good moods enhance the literal size of the window through which we see the world,” Taylor Schmitz, a graduate student in psychology at the University of Toronto and lead author of the study, says in a written statement. “The upside of this is that we can see things from a more global, or integrative perspective. The downside is that this can lead to distraction on critical tasks that require narrow focus, such as operating dangerous machinery or airport screening of passenger baggage.”

The mood swings of bipolar disorder can be profoundly destructive. Depression can make you isolate yourself from your friends and loved ones. You may find it impossible to get out of bed, let alone keep your job. During manic periods, you be may be reckless and volatile.

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